상위 저작물
h5 색인은 지난 5년간 발표된 문서의 h-색인으로, h는 2018-2022년에 발표된 h개 문서 각각의 최소 인용횟수를 나타냅니다.숨기기
저작물의 h5-중앙값은 h5-색인을 구성하는 문서 인용횟수의 중앙값입니다.숨기기
1.Alzheimer's & Dementia98142
2.Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience88117
3.Movement Disorders87128
5.Ageing Research Reviews83126
6.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society83124
7.Journal of Alzheimer's Disease83123
8.Aging Cell79122
9.BMC Geriatrics7697
11.The Journals of Gerontology: Series A6996
12.The Journals of Gerontology: Series B6898
13.Molecular Neurodegeneration66110
14.Age and Ageing66101
15.Alzheimer's Research & Therapy6694
16.Neurobiology of Aging6284
17.Aging & Mental Health6187
18.Experimental Gerontology6184
19.Aging Clinical and Experimental Research6094
20.Clinical Interventions in Aging5996
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