상위 저작물
h5 색인은 지난 5년간 발표된 문서의 h-색인으로, h는 2018-2022년에 발표된 h개 문서 각각의 최소 인용횟수를 나타냅니다.숨기기
저작물의 h5-중앙값은 h5-색인을 구성하는 문서 인용횟수의 중앙값입니다.숨기기
1.International Journal of Inclusive Education5679
2.European Journal of Special Needs Education4060
3.Gifted Child Quarterly3657
4.Journal of Learning Disabilities3654
5.Remedial and Special Education3567
6.Exceptional Children3561
7.Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists3343
8.Teacher Education and Special Education3250
9.Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions2945
10.International Journal of Disability, Development and Education2942
11.Intervention in School and Clinic2838
12.Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs2653
13.Behavioral Disorders2645
14.The Journal of Special Education2644
15.Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals2642
16.Journal of Behavioral Education2637
17.The Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education2635
18.Journal of Intellectual Disabilities2542
19.Journal of Special Education Technology2542
20.Learning Disability Quarterly2535
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